NLIS Animal ID Consultation

NLIS Animal ID Technology (AIT) Consultation

31 August 2021

Integrity Systems Company (ISC) is working to modernise the current process for assessing, monitoring and maintaining traceability solutions for the red meat industry.

Updating the current rules and standards for animal identification technologies (devices) is an important step in modernising the approach to managing conformity.  This is also an opportunity to increase clarity in the process and improve transparency across the supply chain in understanding accredited and non-accredited NLIS traceability solutions. 

In order for ISC to produce modernised NLIS device standards and rules, engagement with government, industry and stakeholders, including manufacturers, has been progressing.

Further input from all parties along the supply chain is now needed to assist in shaping the new rules and standards for the future. To enable this, ISC will undertake a 30 day external consultation period, providing the below three documents for review: 

- NLIS AIT Standards DRAFT v10
- NLIS AIT Fundamentals DRAFT V1

Process and timeline for submissions:

  1. Rules and standards will be listed for review for thirty (30) days
  2. Submissions will be accepted up to Close of Business (COB) AEST 31st May 2020
  3. Submissions to be made by either:
  4. Submissions will be reviewed by a Working Group* for decision and acceptance of amendments
  5. Resulting documents will be developed and circulated through SAFEMEAT for final consultation and approval.

*The working group consists of representatives from Cattle Council Australia (CCA), Sheep Producers Australia (SPA), Goat Industry Council Australia (GICA), Australian Live Exporters Council (ALEC), Australia Lot Feeders Association (ALFA), and two state Jurisdiction representatives (QLD & VIC).

Please direct any queries to:


Submission link: