Customer Corner

Changed addresses lately? Make sure your contact details are up to date. 

Dear Callum

Our email address changed recently and I’m concerned we aren’t receiving important correspondence from Integrity Systems Company.

I’m not sure how to update my records on both my LPA and NLIS accounts.

I’d appreciate some guidance.


A. Farmer

Dear A. Farmer

Thanks for this question.

It’s important that the information listed on your account profiles is correct to ensure you receive all appropriate communications.

For the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program this includes accreditation reminders, audit notifications and hardcopy National Vendor Declaration (NVD) book orders and invoices. For the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) this includes transfer details or errors/warnings relating to your uploads, as well as notifications relating to any livestock movements to and from your Property Identification Code (PIC) numbers. 

To access your LPA account, you must be registered for a myMLA account. Once you have created a myMLA account, you can then link both your LPA account and your NLIS account to it. This way, all your accounts are accessible through a single sign-on via the myMLA portal.

Checking and updating your LPA account

  • To check whether your details are correct, log on to your LPA account and click on the ‘Account’ tab at the top.

  • This will allow you to view your LPA profile and edit any information that is incorrect or outdated.

  • Once you’ve made the required changes, click the blue ‘Update profile’ button at the bottom.

Checking and updating your NLIS account

  • Once logged on to the NLIS, click on the drop-down menu titled ‘What do you want to do today?’.

  • Select ‘View/edit my account details’ under the blue ‘Account management’ sub-heading and then click ‘Go’.

  • Step 1 allows you to change your password.

  • Step 2 allows you to change all other address and contact information.

  • Proceed through the remaining confirmation screens by clicking the ‘Continue’ button and then click the ‘Send’ button to save and submit any changes.

For further assistance,
contact the ISC Helpdesk on 1800 683 111 or email
