Customer Corner- July 2024

Do you really need to keep using paper eNVDs?

Dear Callum

We are first-time producers who have only just become LPA accredited.

At the same time as paying our accreditation fees, we also ordered a hard copy book of cattle NVDs. However, we are now questioning whether we really need the paper NVDs as I believe we can use eNVDs even if our transporters and receivers are still using the old paper NVDs.

Is that correct?

A. Farmer

Dear A. Farmer a

You are correct. Even if your transporter or receiver aren’t using digital consignments yet, you can still use electronic National Vendor Declarations (eNVDs) and simply print out a hard copy for your transporter.

The eNVD web-based system and mobile app are the fastest, easiest way to complete all the documentation required for your livestock consignments (including the MSA form and national health declaration) and there are many advantages to using the eNVD over the paper books:

  • eNVDs are free.
  • eNVDs never run out – you can use them as many times as necessary and there is no limit to how many consignments you can create and submit for each PIC number.
  • eNVDs are readily available online through your myMLA account.
  • eNVDs mean you are always using the most current and up-to-date version of the eNVD.

Getting started

To use the eNVD platform, you’ll need to make sure your LPA accreditation is up to date, but it sounds like you have already done this.

You'll then need to create or log-in to your myMLA account. The myMLA dashboard is your easy-access single sign-on gateway to MLA and ISC services including NLIS, eNVDs, NVDs and LPA accreditation.

Follow these easy steps to create a new myMLA account and link your integrity system accounts.

Creating a consignment using the eNVD web-based system

Once you are signed in to your myMLA account and selected the corresponding LPA account, you can navigate to the ‘eNVD’ tab in the top right-hand corner. You can then create a digital consignment from scratch, use a template you’ve already saved to the system or duplicate a previously submitted consignment.

Follow these easy steps to create livestock consignments instantly on your mobile device, tablet or desktop computer.

Printing the eNVD for your transporter or receiver

We recommend completing the entirety of the document online and then printing off completed copies for the transporter and receiver.

However, in situations where you may not know all the consignment details at the time of completion (such as number of head or transporter details), you can submit a partially completed form online and then complete the rest of the information manually by hand on the printed copy.

The minimum information required to create and submit the consignment:

  • the destination PIC and consignee details (such as an agent or third party if applicable)
  • the movement date
  • the species (cattle, sheep/lamb, goat, bobby calf)
  • the forms required (NVD and any other additional forms required such as health declaration or MSA).

Once these sections have been completed, you will have the option to submit and print the consignment or proceed through the form to complete any other sections online.

Saving time

For your convenience, you can also save any submitted consignment as a template using the ‘options’ drop-down menu on the right-hand side of the consignment.

The template will have all the information pre-saved, requiring only minor adjustments for each future consignment instead of entering all the same information each time.

Need more help? a

Please visit

For eNVD support, you can call the ISC Customer Service 1800 683 111 (select the LPA option) or send an email to