Customer Corner- OCT 2024

Updating or removing a PIC number from your NLIS account 

Dear Callum

I’ve recently purchased a new property and wanted to add the new PIC number to my NLIS account.

Could you advise what action I need to take?

Thanks for your question.

It’s important livestock property owners of all sizes ensure they have applied for a Property Identification Code (PIC) through their state or territory agriculture department and that their details are kept up to date on both the PIC register and in their NLIS account.

The PIC Register is managed by the respective state or territory agriculture departments. If you have recently purchased a new property, you will need to contact them to update your PIC details. You can find contacts for each of the state and territory departments in the Contacts section of the ISC website.

Updating your NLIS account

After you’ve updated your details on the PIC Register, you need to email ISC Customer Support ( with your NLIS USER ID and PIC number so they can update your NLIS account.

If you are updating your NLIS account, but you aren’t the PIC owner, you will need to complete the NLIS Third Party Authorisation Form (Form E).

The PIC owner will fill in the top half of the form and the third party will fill in the bottom half of the form.

Once complete, the form should be emailed to ISC Customer Support ( for processing.

Removing an old PIC number from your account

To ensure records are accurate, if you sell a property, it’s recommended that you remove the PIC number from your NLIS account.

This will ensure you’re not receiving future email notifications for old PICs you are no longer responsible for.

All requests for removing PICs need to be emailed to ISC Customer Support (, making sure to provide your NLIS USER ID and confirm which PIC needs to be removed from the account.