We encourage our users to participate in healthy and on-topic discussions on our page and within our content comment threads. While we welcome your opinions, we will remove and/or report posts containing:
This includes posts that contain:
Anyone who chooses to repeatedly break these house rules will be blocked from the page. If you consider a post to be violating these guidelines, please flag it with us on messenger.
If the content is not your own, you'll need permission from the owner before posting it. We ask that you do your part and comply with these rules for posts, communications, and general behaviour on our pages.
While we appreciate all types of feedback, we reserve the right to delete posts that we decide are off-topic or otherwise inappropriate.
We also reserve the right to remove or block users at our discretion if a user fails to comply with the above rules.
To protect you privacy, we won't discuss in detail your service or claim enquiry in public pages.
For customer service enquiries call 1800 683 111 between 8am-7pm (AEDT) Monday – Friday.
Our team will regularly monitor and moderate our social media pages between 9am–5pm, Monday to Sunday. When a response is needed, we'll aim to respond to your comments on this page within 24 hours, Monday to Friday.
When sending us direct messages we may share them with our third-party contractors for our business purposes and also in accordance with our privacy policy.
Remember that posting on public pages means anyone can see your information, so you should only share information you are happy for the general public to see. Please don't share personal information on this page such as your phone number, email address, policy or claim information.
Although we aim to ensure that any instructions, suggestions, or recommendations we post are safe to implement, we accept no responsibility for any loss, damage or personal injury that may be suffered or sustained as a result of, in connection with or arising from them.
In addition to the rights you grant to Facebook, you also grant Integrity Systems Company the right to use and/or distribute any content posted by you in any manner or media without any legal or monetary obligation to you.
The content posted by users does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of ISC and we do not confirm the accuracy of such content. You agree to hold ISC from any liability and/or damages resulting from your participation on our social media pages, or any claim arising from any material that you post on our social media pages.
Thanks for joining us on social media!