MLA and ISC Data Management

Data management

15 November 2023

Data Sharing Principles

ISC, MLA and MLA Donor Company Limited (MDC) recognise that effective data management is essential to delivering world-class research outcomes that benefit the industry; and that honest and transparent data management is essential to ensure clarity around who controls access and use of data and to build trust and confidence in facilitating data access and use.

ISC, MLA and MDC are currently developing a set of data sharing principles accross the following seven areas:

  • Honesty and transparency
  • Ownership and custody of data
  • Accessiblity, usablity and interoperablity
  • Safety, security and de-identification
  • Third parties
  • Accuracy and suitability of data
  • Review

The MLA Data Sharing Principles supplement the MLA Privacy Policy, and must be read in conjunction with the MLA Privacy Policy as well as the Australian Privacy Principles and Guidelines and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

The MLA Data Management Principles apply, where possible, to all MLA data.

MLA data is defined as data created, derived or collated from the MLA’s R&D programs; industry development programs; marketing information and data provided to MLA by industry, processors or other third parties.

Where third parties request access to MLA Data, where possible, MLA will ask third parties to comply with the MLA Data Management Principles to ensure that access is in the best interests of the industry.

Principle 1 – Honesty and Transparency

MLA will act with honesty and transparency when collecting, collating, using and sharing data, and will disclose how it manages data.

Principle 2 – Ownership and Custody of Data

MLA recognises that it can be both an owner and custodian of data.

MLA will be an owner of data that is created by it or its subsidiary companies. MLA will assert rights over MLA aggregated data, in certain circumstances, where it benefits the Industry as a whole.

MLA will be a custodian of third-party data and will manage that data in accordance with these principles and applicable legislation. MLA will receive and supply data in accordance with the purpose for which it was provided.

Principle 3 –Accessible, usable and Interoperable

MLA will take reasonable steps to ensure that MLA data is accessible, usable and interoperable.

MLA acknowledges that in certain situations, there are good reasons to keep some or all data restricted or closed. For example, data may be restricted or closed when subject to a legislative requirement, intellectual property rights, confidentiality and privacy, and where it is in the best interests of the industry.

Principle 4– Safety, security and de-identification

MLA will ensure that their data and the data it holds is collected and stored securely. To achieve this, MLA will, as appropriate:

  • Organise and secure personal and identified data in accordance with the MLA Privacy Policy; and
  • Ensure that MLA data is shared in a de-identified form unless required under law, unless it is not technically possible, or it is not in the interests of the industry.

Principle 5 – Third Parties

MLA, as data custodian, will not share industry data that it holds with third parties without asking for and receiving explicit permission to do so, except as required by law.

MLA will, where possible:

  • Identify third party data; and
  • Request third parties when dealing with MLA to act in accordance with the MLA Data Sharing Principles.

Principle 6 – Accuracy and Suitability of data

MLA will use its best endeavours to ensure the data that it creates and compiles is accurate and suitable for the purpose for which it is created or compiled. However, MLA makes no representations, guarantees or warranties about the suitability, reliability accuracy or completeness of the MLA data. To the maximum extent permitted by law, in no event shall MLA be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special or exemplary damages, losses or damage, costs or expenses or lost profit resulting from any use or misuse of its data.

MLA cannot guarantee that the data provided by third parties will be accurate and suitable. It is the responsibility of the data supplier to supply accurate and suitable data. MLA is not responsible for the condition, the content or currency of data provided by third parties.

Principle 7 – Review

MLA will regularly review and audit the way in which it manages its data and the data it holds on behalf of other third parties as required.