Digital Capability Building

Digital capability building

06 March 2023

Digital Value Chain and Supply Chain Extension Officers

Building industry capability in digital is a key enabler for the red meat digital value chain.

Integrity Systems Company (ISC) through the MLA Donor Company is investing in eight Digital Value Chain and Supply Chain Extension Officers to assist industry companies in developing a whole of value chain digital strategy that leverages the best solutions and ensures they are well positioned for new and evolving digital enablers.

The role of Digital Value Chain Officers is to enhance digital capability with individual companies or supply chains, specifically through the provision of advanced analytics of data sets in order to generate new insights for the business. The officer will also provide the company with expertise and resources to ensure that digital opportunities are identified, investigated and implemented where relevant.

The role of Supply Chain Adoption and Extension Officers is to support producers in utilising existing and new data and feedback as it becomes available through objective measurement technology and other sources. This officer supports the company to develop feedback systems and associated extension materials to assist their suppliers/producers in understanding their data and feedback. This will improve decision making and management practices, so that on-farm productivity and profitability is enhanced.

The eight co-funded positions are with a range of industry stakeholders.

Companies wanting to become involved in the program can contact

Solution Provider Network

Commercial third-party solution providers play an important role in the management of integrity and data within the Australian red meat and livestock industry supply chains. ISC understands the importance of working with commercial solution providers and their role in supporting the adoption of Integrity System 2025 and Beyond Strategy (IS2025 Plan).

ISC has established the Solution Provider Network (SPN) to partner and work more collaboratively with solution providers to deliver tools and services that are useful and intuitive to the Australian red meat integrity system.

The SPN will provide input into integrity systems product strategies and roadmaps, as well as develop the strategic priorities areas of the MLA Digital Value Chain Strategy.