Contact us


If you have an NLIS, LPA or eNVD / NVD query:

If you need futher NLIS, LPA or eNVD / NVD support, please contact ISC Customer Service.

  • Email:
  • ISC Customer Service phone: 1800 683 111
    8am-7pm (AEST) Monday - Friday
    9am-5pm (AEST) Saturdays - Sundays

You can also follow ISC’s Twitter account and Facebook page for additional news and updates on integrity systems.

Other handy contacts

For help in regards to ordering NLIS tags/devices, obtaining a PIC or reporting stolen livestock please visit our handy contacts page to contact your local state or territory authority. 

Legal enquiries

For legal enquiries relating to livestock movement records, National Vendor Declarations, the National Livestock Identification System or the Livestock Production Assurance program, please contact Integrity Systems Company (ISC) at

For all other legal enquiries relating to Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) research, development and adoption programs, please contact MLA at