Webinar recordings: Biosecurity support in your state or territory

Webinar series 2022: Biosecurity support in your state or territory

Meeting your biosecurity requirements on-farm has never been more important.  

Producers have a range of obligations around farm biosecurity under the two key programs that make up Australia’s red meat integrity system – the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program and the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS).  

These obligations are complemented by the biosecurity laws and regulations of each state and territory.  

Together, these requirements ensure Australia’s red meat industry remains free of exotic animal disease – and so it’s vital producers are aware of what they need to do to meet the farm biosecurity requirements of their particular state or territory.  

Integrity Systems Company delivers the Stand by what you sell webinar series to help livestock operators understand their responsibilities in maintaining the integrity of Australia’s red meat industry.

To view other upcoming webinars, please visit our event page.

State and territory webinar recordings and resources

Nationally relevant biosecurity resources

More information 

Read more about your biosecurity requirements under the LPA program or download  

Contact your state or territory authority for more information on biosecurity requirements in your particular region. 

Visit ISC’s FMD and LSD resource page or MLA’s dedicated FMD and LSD hub to find more practical tips and tools to boost your farm biosecurity.  
