Project stages


Project stages


The NLIS Database Uplift Project consists of six stages. Work commenced on 1 July 2023, and it is expected the final stage, which will deliver a new, easy to use and future proofed NLIS platform, will be completed by 30 June 2026.

Here is a summary of the work which will take place during each stage:


Stage 1: Project establishment and strategic discovery (1 July to 31 October 2023)

The project’s objectives and scope will be defined during a comprehensive strategic discovery process with ISC, industry, government stakeholders and other key parties. Governance frameworks will also be established with reference groups formed representing each jurisdiction and the red meat sector. 

Current status: Complete


Stage 2: Discover and define (July 2023 to May 2024)

End-user engagement will take place to ensure the new NLIS resolves current pain points and that all requirements are included in the new platform design. This will ensure a user-centred approach is applied as the platform’s user journey and user experience are assessed.  

Current status: Complete


Stage 3: Architecture and design (June 2024 to September 2024)

The underlying infrastructure which will support the new NLIS will be designed using the information gained during the first two stages. End-users will continue to provide feedback on the user experience.  A change management plan will also be developed.

Current status: Complete


Stage 4: Software build (October 2024 to December 2025)

During this stage the technical designs for the new platform will be built with end-user engagement and showcases ensuring timely feedback on platform features prior to deployment. The change management plan’s implementation will be commenced to support a phased rollout of platform features.

Current status: Underway


Stage 5: Phased deployment and transition (January 2025 to June 2026)

A phased rollout of the new platform, including data migration, will take place in this stage. System monitoring, alerting, and customer support for the new NLIS will also commence. Users of the new system will be trained and supported during onboarding.  

Current status: Not yet started


Stage 6: Decommissioning and project closure (1 Jan 2026 to 30 June 2026)

The current NLIS database will be decommissioned with all users transitioned to the new system. The project will conclude with the delivery of a final monitoring and evaluation report and final project report.

Current status: Not yet started


New NLIS fully operational (July 2026)

We made it.

New NLIS delivering vast efficiency and traceability benefits.

  More Information

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