PIC reconciliation

PIC Reconciliation

What is a PIC reconciliation?

A PIC Reconciliation is a stocktake of all electronic NLIS devices on a property. This process identifies discrepancies between the total number of electronic devices physically on a property (attached to livestock and in the cupboard) and the number of electronic devices registered to that property (PIC) on the NLIS Database.

Running the Active devices on PIC report and comparing this total with the number of electronic devices you have on hand, will indicate if a PIC reconciliation is required.  If there is a large discrepancy between the two totals then a PIC reconciliation is recommended.

Why do a PIC reconciliation?

Completing a PIC reconciliation regularly helps ensure that all transfers have been completed correctly and that there is no or minimal discrepancy in your active devices.  Producers supplying the EU market are required to complete PIC reconciliations as part of the EU accreditation process.  

Keeping accurate livestock movement records, including completing NLIS transfers, is a requirement of your LPA accreditation and forms part of your LPA audit.  PICs with large discrepancies identified during an LPA audit may be required to complete a PIC reconciliation to address this issue.

In the case of an animal disease outbreak, chemical contamination or residue issue, accurate NLIS records are imperative to allow authorities to respond quickly.  Poor records could result in your property (PIC) being impacted by quarantine measures in tracing situations.

How do I perform a PIC reconciliation?

There are 2 methods:

  • Type in details - type in or upload a file of your tags and manually work through the PIC reconciliation process.
  • Upload a file - If your property holds more than 300 device numbers, it is recommended that you use this method to submit your list of devices. The database will complete the reconciliation and create lists of devices that are in discrepancy and instructions on what to do with each group.

Follow the directions in the NLIS how-to guide for whichever method you choose. PIC reconciliations for sheep and goats with electronic NLIS tags can now be completed. 

How do I create a file for a PIC reconciliation?

The first step for either method is to create a file of all electronic devices on your PIC - both those attached to livestock and those not yet used.

Unless you have been keeping detailed NLIS records, this will require all livestock to be mustered so their tags can be scanned or read manually.  On larger properties, it may take some time for this 'stocktake' of all tags to be completed.  In this situation, it's imperative to adjust your tag file if livestock are bought or sold during the stocktake process.

Your list can contain the NLIS ID number (printed on the ear tag and read visually) or the matching RFID number (the electronic chip inside the device - collected via an NLIS wand or reader).

Please note that you cannot reconcile your property paddock-by-paddock; for the reconciliation to be successful, all devices must be uploaded together in a single file.