To order NLIS approved eID devices, contact your state or territory department of primary industries, a reseller or approved suppliers directly. Ensure you have your PIC, specify if you want sheep or goat devices and choose an approved NLIS device to best suit your climate and environment.
eID Device Information
An eID device has two numbers assigned to it. Either of these can be used to complete a transfer on the NLIS database.
When you order eID devices, the supplier will:
Verify you can purchase devices for your Property Identification Code (PIC). Have this handy when you contact the supplier. Ensure you confirm the species you are needing to devices for.
The microchip inside the device will be encoded with the RFID number. The devices will also be printed with the NLIS ID number. These two numbers are linked.
The supplier will then upload a list of the devices against your PIC in the NLIS database. These device numbers will then sit on your PIC in the NLIS database until they are moved off or are marked as deceased or deactivated.
Year of Birth colours
Breeder devices:
Breeder devices may be coloured for sheep and goats as per this colour table. These are applied to animals born on your property.
Post-breeder devices:
These are applied to sheep or goats no longer on their property of birth, or to introduced animals that have lost their original device.
If you need to apply a post-breeder device where the animal already has a visual NLIS device, you need to leave the property of birth device in the ear, as well as apply the NLIS post-breeder eID device.
Remember: Only ever apply one eID to one animal.