NLIS how-to: Conduct a PIC Reconciliation – type in details

How-to: Conduct a PIC Reconciliation – type in details

A PIC reconciliation is a stocktake of all electronic NLIS devices on a property. This process identifies discrepancies between the total number of electronic devices physically on a property and the number of electronic devices registered to that property (PIC) on the NLIS database.

All devices/tags purchased for your PIC – those attached to livestock and those not yet used – are considered ‘active’ tags. The database does not differentiate between devices/tags applied to animals and those still in the cupboard.

This database action will identify the specific differences between the NLIS records and the devices/tags on your property. The results generated by completing this process will assist you to take further action to ensure your device/tag records in the NLIS database are accurate. ISC recommends completing a PIC reconciliation either annually or on a regular basis appropriate to your operation.   

Two methods to conduct a PIC reconciliation

There are two commonly selected methods when conducting a PIC reconciliation. The difference between the methods relates to how you input the NLIS ID or RFID details into the database function and how the results are presented. 

  • PIC Reconciliation: type in the details

This method will require a manual entry of the NLIS ID or RFID details by either typing in the details or a copy/paste from an existing file.

The results of the reconciliation will be presented on the screen outlining any discrepancies.

This is an efficient option as the database will assist you to take some necessary actions to fix the discrepancies on the screen during the reconciliation process.

This method is ideal for PICs with less than 1000 devices/tags.

This method will request the NLIS ID or RFID details be uploaded in a .csv spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel).

The results of the reconciliation will be emailed with up to four spreadsheets attached outlining any discrepancies.

This will be an efficient option for producers with a large number of devices/tags.

Before you start 

  • Gather the NLIS ID or RFID details of all the devices/tags physically on your PIC.

Preparing a list of NLIS ID or RFID details can be achieved by scanning or recording all devices at an annual muster or on an ongoing basis at times convenient to usual management practices such as when you are moving stock, at weaning, preg-testing or when accounting for deaths.

A PIC reconciliation is a whole of PIC review, not a paddock-by-paddock glance, therefore the list needs to contain every tag, including the unused tags.

*Quick Tip: All devices/tags purchased on your PIC are considered ‘active’ tags.  The database does not differentiate between devices/tags applied to animals and those not yet used.  This means that all unused tags must be included in the reconciliation. 

  • Log in to the database at with your username and password.

*Quick Tip: A myMLA account can provide access to your NLIS, MSA and LPA accounts with just one log-in. Link your accounts today.

How-to: Video