How-to: Conduct a transfer correction

How-to: Conduct a transfer correction

A transfer of devices on the NLIS database may be edited or removed through a transfer correction only if the transfer is the most recent one recorded for an animal.

The transfer correction allows you to replace incorrect data with correct data such as the source or destination PIC, the NVD number or movement date. It will also enable you to remove devices from a transfer if they were incorrectly included or if the device number is incorrect.

If the transfer you need to correct is not the most recent, or if you notice an incorrect transfer of devices onto or off your PIC and did not conduct the transfer, you will need to contact your state or territory department to perform the correction for you.  

Before you start

  • Gather the upload ID of the transfer you have completed that needs correcting. This may have been emailed to you or displayed on the screen after you moved livestock onto or off your PIC on the database. Alternatively, you can retrieve the upload ID from the ‘View my transaction history’ report.
  • Locate details of the transfer that may need correcting e.g. the PICs you are transferring between, the date the stock movement occurred and the NVD number should also be included. You may also need a list of devices if there was an error in data entry of these numbers.
  • Log in to the NLIS database at with your username and password.

*QUICK TIP: A myMLA account can provide access to your NLIS and LPA accounts with just one username and password. Link your accounts today.

How-to: Video