LPA Rules and Standards

LPA Rules and Standards

The LPA program operates under Rules and Standards agreed to and maintained by the Integrity Systems Taskforce. Accredited producers must operate in accordance with these Rules and Standards, and agree to do so as part of the LPA accreditation and reaccreditation process.

LPA Rules

The LPA Rules set out the requirements for participation in the LPA Program.Click here to view the current LPA Rules document.

There are several other updates to the LPA Rules which will further strengthen the program moving forward. These include: 

  • The addition of voluntary modules to the program. This includes the introduction of the Harvested Rangeland Goats module from 1 October 2024. 
  • Additional livestock declarations will be able to be made on the electronic National Vendor Declaration (eNVD). 
  • Opportunities to share audit outcomes from other compliance programs to reduce audit duplication. 
  • Updating of data sharing, reporting and notification requirements to ensure fairness and compliance with legislation. 
  • Clarified roles, responsibilities and definitions. 
  • Clarified process for audits, nonconformities and status changes. 
  • New complaints handling and issues of concern processes. 

Under the LPA rules each producer acknowledges that:

.a).. Integrity Systems Company Limited administers the LPA;

.b).. these Rules evidence a binding legal agreement between each Producer and Integrity Systems Company Limited; and any reference to rights or obligations of the Committee under these Rules, includes, rights and obligations of Integrity Systems Company.

LPA Standards

The LPA Standards are based on the seven program elements and are the approved standards for the LPA program.
LPA Standards

The LPA Standards are based upon seven key areas:
1. Property risk assessment
2. Safe and responsible animal treatments
3. Stock foods, fodder crops, grain and pasture treatments
4. Preparation for dispatch of livestock
5. Livestock transactions and movements
6. Biosecurity
7. Animal welfare