Breeder data

Breeder data

Breeder feedback image.jpg

Breeders can use myFeedback to view carcase information on animals they have bred but not directly consigned to the processor. The original breeder is identified using the PIC of origin on the animal’s NLIS tag, providing it has maintained the tag throughout its lifetime.  

The processor or consignor will not be identified, only the state in which the animals were processed is shown.  

Giving breeders access to myFeedback enables beef and sheepmeat seed stock producers to understand how they can improve progeny compliance and demonstrate higher value genetics. 

Releasing feedback to the original livestock breeder will enable the rate of genetic gain in industry to be increased as carcase performance and pedigree records can be linked. myFeedback is the only system that provides automatic reporting for the original breeder providing them with data to make more informed decisions for future breeding programs.