Get a New LPA Accreditation

Get a New LPA Accreditation

Got more than one property? Read this first  

In some states, if you own properties which have separate PICs, you can amalgamate these separate PICs into a single PIC.  You can then have one LPA accreditation and one LPA account. PIC amalgamation is usually allowed if the properties are close by and are managed as a single business. Check the requirements for your state or territory for managing PICs to see if this is possible for your business, as it may be advantageous for farm management.  

Getting your new property LPA accredited 

Until you have an LPA accreditation for your new PIC, you are not eligible to use or access NVDs for that PIC. 

1. Check that your new PIC is registered to you 

Once the purchase of your property has been completed, contact your state or territory authority to confirm that you are now the registered owner of the property on the PIC register. Or, if you have an NLIS account, follow these steps to check this yourself in the PIC register.  

If your new PIC is not registered to you, you will need to contact your state or territory authority and request they update the PIC register.  The process for allocating or reallocating PICs when a property is sold differs between jurisdictions, so check what is required in your state or territory to ensure you can be listed as the registered owner of the property in the PIC register.  You cannot complete an LPA accreditation until this is done. 

2. Seek LPA accreditation for your PIC  

Once you have confirmed your new PIC is registered to you in the PIC register, you can follow the steps to register your PIC to LPA here.

Now your PIC has been registered with LPA you will need to complete the Self-Assessment to finalise your LPA accreditation status and get access to NVD/eNVDs.

3. Remove old LPA accreditations for your PIC 

Previous owners’ LPA accreditations are not automatically removed from a PIC when it is sold. Producers are advised to check what entities have an LPA accreditation associated with their new PIC using the LPA accreditation search tool and remove any entities that no longer need to be associated with that PIC by contacting ISC Customer Service. This can be done once producers have set up their LPA accreditation for their new PIC.