LPA Quality Assurance

Become LPA QA Accredited

LPA quality assurance

The Livestock Production Assurance On-Farm Quality Assurance (LPA QA) program, incorporating the Cattlecare and Flockcare programs, represents the second tier of the LPA framework.

What is quality assurance?
Quality assurance means being able to assure customers that you can produce a quality product to meet their specifications the same way every time. It is the customers who define quality.

A quality assurance system involves:

  • putting in place documented procedures which identify the methods for carrying out each key production task
  • recording the results of those actions
  • checking that the results conform to expectations
  • implementing corrective and preventive actions on all identified problems, to stop identified problems occurring again.

Livestock producers have to be fully accredited in LPA level 1 (or Food Safety Management) to participate in LPA QA. The Cattlecare and Flockcare programs were initially developed by the Cattle Council of Australia and the Sheepmeat Council of Australia. Since the introduction of the LPA food safety program, Cattlecare and Flockcare have been incorporated into the grass fed industry's LPA QA program.

The LPA QA program is managed by Integrity Systems Company.

Additional Information

LPA Alternative Feedstuffs

LPA Rules & Standards