MLA’s Going into Goats program now includes the newest information and resources to comply with NLIS and LPA.
read moreAustralia’s place in the global red meat market is a testament to our systems for traceability, on-farm assurance and biosecurity.
read moreWhen it’s time to go to the saleyards, be aware of any high-risk animals by checking the NLIS database for an Early Warning status.
read moreLivestock Production Assurance (LPA) is critical when it comes to highlighting hazards for livestock, but it can also help keep your employees and workplace safe too.
read moreLivestock transporters play a key role in Australia’s integrity ... system and with the new features in the electronic National Vendor Declaration (eNVD) app and web-based system they’ll find using
read moreBe ready for showtime
read moreThe majority of livestock transactions in Australia involve stock agents. They are the link between industry and the producer.
read morePutting livestock on agistment? Here’s what you need to know to meet your integrity requirements and protect your livestock while they’re on agistment.
read morekeeping in order, with discussion covering: Changes to National Vendor Declarations How to start using the faster, easier new eNVD platform ... Production Assurance Transfers and reconciliations for the National Livestock Identification System Linking all your accounts in
read moreFrom 1 January 2021, only the current version (0720) of the LPA NVD will be accepted for all species of livestock movements.
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