Consigning up to 2,000 head of cattle per week to slaughter is a task that Whyalla Feedlot Dispatch Supervisor, Tess Gealy, handles with ease thanks to the eNVD system.
Producers selling livestock this spring selling season must ensure they meet integrity requirements, so their animals are able to be sold.
Need to get your farm records in order? Here’s some advice from other producers on how to keep your records in shape.
Are you regularly moving livestock between multiple properties that you own? Read on to find out your integrity requirements.
Here are four key tips to avoid the most common red meat integrity issues.
LDL provides producers with feedback on animal disease and carcase compliance for livestock sent to processors participating in the program.
Transporting livestock to be sold at the saleyards? Here’s how to make sure your LPA NVD is clear, complete and correct.
Cattle that have been treated with HGPs must be identified using a triangular ear punch and the use of HGPs on these animals must be declared on your LPA NVD.