While livestock producers are responsible for keeping their integrity records in order and ensuring their on-farm practices align with integrity system requirements, transporters also play an important role in the integrity system.
The Australian red meat integrity system combines livestock traceability with on-farm assurance to maintain the integrity and reputation of Australian red meat. This system underpins our livestock selling system and delivers customer confidence in the red meat products we produce.
Integrity Systems Company (ISC) is responsible for managing and delivering the core elements which make up Australia’s red meat integrity system.
All livestock operators have a responsibility to ensure the welfare of animals during their entire journey to any destination within Australia, per the Australian Animal Welfare Standards & Guidelines for the Land Transport of Livestock.
The standards are enforceable under state/territory legislation and apply to all persons involved in the livestock transport process.
ISC has developed a guide to help livestock operators meet these requirements and outlines the chain of responsibility for livestock welfare throughout the transport process.
Download the guide: Is your animal fit to load?
The eNVD Livestock Consignments app is the fast, easy system for completing all livestock consignment forms digitally. Benefits include:
To access help visit: eNVD app resources for transporters
Access this page to find out more about the LPA program and find out how to help your clients meet their LPA requirements, create farm records and LPA NVDs.
Learn more about NLIS and understand your responsibilities with NLIS, completing NLIS transfers for clients, animal identification requirements and scanning livestock.
Each state is different in what is required regarding livestock movement, however there should be a post-sale summary and an NVD provided to transporters prior to starting the movement.
All NVDs have a field to record the destination property identification code (PIC) but it is important to note that it is only mandatory to fill in this field in Tasmania and Western Australia for all species. Outside of these states, it is not mandatory to record the destination PIC on the NVD, but a physical location address of the livestock’s destination is required. The policy regarding mandatory or voluntary PICs on the NVD is a decision for each state and territory.
While the sheep NVD has a provision for producer to advise when livestock last had access to food and water, the NVD for cattle does not. Integrity Systems Company (ISC) does not make decisions on questions included on the NVD nor when to make changes. This is the collective responsibility of industry representative bodies, who have decided that time off feed and water information for cattle does not need to be collected at present. However, if you have a need to record it, there are sections on the Animal Health Declaration of the NVD where additional information can be documented. Alternatively, extra information can be attached to either document. The NVD should be complete before it is handed to the transporter.
Contact ISC Customer Service for more help with integrity at info@integritysystems.com.au or on 1800 683 111 between 8am and 7pm (AEDT), Monday to Friday.
Be sure to sign up to ISC’s monthly newsletter, Integrity Matters, for practical help and information on LPA, NLIS, NVDs and more.
You can also follow ISC’s Twitter account and Facebook page for additional news and updates on integrity.