Third Party Integrators

Third Party Integrators


Third-party integrators play a vital role in enabling the industry to meet NLIS requirements efficiently and effectively. The NLIS Database Uplift Project introduces a more robust and reliable platform, designed to improve data accuracy, simplify processes, and support seamless compliance with industry regulations.

This page provides everything you need to stay informed and prepared during this transition, including key dates, important updates, access to technical documentation and support resources. Our goal is to ensure you have the tools and guidance required to transition to the upgraded system.

Check back for the latest information or reach out to our support team for any questions or assistance.


      1. NLIS Uplift Key Dates
      2. Developer Portal
      3. Integrator Support
      4. Contact details
      5. Frequently Asked Questions

NLIS Uplift Key dates

Early-February 2025: Developer Portal released and available to third-party integrators 

A portal for third-party software providers that currently integrate with the NLIS has been released to enable these operators to commence integration work.

Mid-2025: Foundation Release 1 – for pilot users only

This foundational release will be made available to a small group of pilot users. This group of users will continue to operate in the original NLIS database but will also have the ability to test the functionality of the uplifted system.

Late-2025: Release 2 – final release

The second and final release is the most substantial. It will deliver the majority of database functionality and will operate in parallel with the original NLIS database with data flowing between the two, as the diagram below shows.

Developer Portal


The ISC Developer Portal, launched on February 3 2025, provides a centralised resource for third-party integrators to access technical documentation and support for the NLIS Uplift API services. The portal streamlines the integration process by offering comprehensive API documentation, including key resources such as OpenAPI specifications, mock endpoints, and clear examples to help developers understand and implement the uplifted NLIS services.

As the NLIS Uplift progresses, the documentation will continue to be expanded and enhanced to support additional APIs as they are designed and rolled out, ensuring integrators have ongoing access to up-to-date information.

Access to the Developer Portal must be approved by ISC. To register for your access, head to the Developer Portal login page, click to ‘Sign Up’ and complete your registration form. You will need to agree to the NLIS Uplift Developer Portal and Testing Environment Terms Of Use to complete your registration request.

Once your registration has been submitted, you will be notified by email once it has been approved.

If you have any questions or encounter any issues with the new ISC Developer Portal enquiries can be made directly with ISC Integration Analyst, Peter Quigley - 0294639246

Integrator Support

Integrity Systems Company (ISC) is the recipient of a $3.9m (excl. GST) grant from the Australian Government to support existing software integrators transition to the uplifted National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) database.

The NLIS Database Uplift Transition Support grant is being administered by Integrity Systems Company and is designed to help offset the costs of moving from the original API system to the new API version which will support the uplifted NLIS database. 

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible to apply, the third-party integrator must:

  • Have an existing API connection
  • Be using the NLIS API for biosecurity or traceability purposes
  • Have accessed the NLIS in the past year

Applicants will not be eligible for consideration if:

  • The provider is the recipient of other Commonwealth grants that fund similar upgrades
  • Any NLIS users upload data via the web and not through an API

Eligible Sectors 

To be eligible for this funding, the third-party integrator needs to be connected to the current NLIS through an API.

Existing NLIS API integrators in the following sectors are eligible to apply:

  • NLIS approved tag and device manufacturers
  • Existing third-party software providers for producers, processors, feedlots, saleyards and agents
  • On-farm management systems
  • State and Territory Departments of Agriculture requiring a data provisioning upgrade. - ISC is consulting separately with the State and Territory Departments of Agriculture (SDA) on supporting their transition to the uplifted NLIS database.

What can the funding be used for?

The funding available is to be used for supporting the development costs of current third-party NLIS Integrators to transition to the new NLIS Uplift API services. Full details of the technical changes of the new API can be found on the ISC Developer Portal.

Additional support funding will be available for tag and device manufacturers and software providers for feedlots, saleyards and processors (details below). These support costs can be used to fund project management, communications, and training.

Each integrator is responsible for communications, training and technical support to their client base.

Applicants will need to consider the following

Funding amounts available

  • Tag and device manufacturers and software providers for feedlots, saleyards, and processors are eligible to apply for development costs and support costs.

  • Development funding is capped and dependent on the sector they operate in (detailed in the table below).

  • Support funding per integrator for specific sectors is also capped and will be allocated on an as-needs basis.

  • All other existing integrators are eligible for up to $15,000.

The final grant allocation per integrator will be determined by the Review Panel. The Review Panel will oversee the application and funding approval process, and consist of an Independent Review Panel Chair, ISC subject matter experts, Commonwealth staff members and a probity officer.

To ensure industry and commercial benefits continue to be realised, and to support as many integrators as possible, successful applicants will be required to contribute at least 20% of the value of grant funds received to the project. Each integrator will be required to provide a Financial Statement at the end of the project demonstrating their contribution. ISC will calculate each Integrators 20% contribution, and the value will be shown within their Integrators Funding Agreement. Examples of the 20% contribution for each NLIS API integrator type are shown below.

How do I apply? 

Applications open on 12 February 2025 and will be open for four weeks, closing on 12 March 2025 and will be accessible via the Meat & Livestock Australia Current Tenders webpage.

1. Integrators will need to complete and submit an Application Form to ISC providing information on:

  • Their business
  • The service their business provides to the Australian red meat industry
  • Technical capabilities
  • Risk management approaches

You can download the application form from:

i. The Meat & Livestock Australia Current Tenders webpage

ii. The Third-party Integrators Webpage under ‘Relevant documentation’

Complete this form and return it to Samarah Thrift ( by email.

Successful Integrators will enter into a NLIS Database Uplift Integrator Transition Support Funding Agreement with ISC

a. As part of the NLIS Database Uplift Transition Support Funding Agreement, Integrators will be required to

    i. Demonstrate their implementation of the NLIS Uplift API to ISC

    ii. Execute an NLIS API System Access Agreement that outlines the Terms and Conditions to grant Integrators access to the production environment.

    iii. Submit a final Deliverable Template outlining a summary of the change (template provided)

    iV. Submit an end of Project Financial Statement demonstrating the Integrator’s 20% contribution to the project (template provided)

Integrators will be advised of their outcome by mid-April 2025

Deadline for submission - 5pm, AEDT 12 March 2025

NLIS Database Uplift Integrator Transition Grant support Key Dates 

Early-February 2025
– Developer Portal key information, including API definitions, and access link sent to all third-party integrators that currently access the NLIS

12 February 2025 – Applications open; communications distributed about the grant and information for potential applicants to explain application process and other details

12 March 2025 – Applications close

April 2025 – Applicants notified of outcome; funding agreements made available for signing

Contact details

NLIS Database Uplift Integrator Transition Grant support: Renelle Jeffrey,

NLIS Database Uplift Third-Party Integrator technical support: Peter Quigley,

NLIS Database Uplift Project team:

Frequently Asked Questions

Funding will be available to offset some of the costs of transition from the original NLIS API to the new system. Any questions relating to funding availability for NLIS API upgrades, feel free to contact ISC Program Manager Digital Adoption –

A significant project is currently underway to uplift the NLIS database and as part of that project existing APIs will become obsolete. To continue to service your clients, it is recommended that you upgrade to the API which will service the uplifted NLIS. Any questions relating to technical aspects of NLIS Integration, feel free to contact ISC Integration Analyst –

Yes. ISC is administering a $3.9 million (ex GST) Commonwealth grant to help support existing NLIS third-party API integrators and State Departments of Agriculture transition to the uplifted NLIS.

Third-party integrators interested in applying for funding support will need to complete an application form. Applications are expected to open in mid February 2025. Interested applicants will be asked to share information about their business and demonstrate their experience serving the red meat industry, technical capabilities, and risk management.

The funding is to be used to offset some of the costs of transitioning from the current NLIS API to the Uplifted version. Funding can be used for technical developments, project management and communications to clients.

In consultation with the Commonwealth, ISC has developed a funding framework to distribute grant funds to current NLIS integrators. To do this ISC will engage a Review Panel to assess all applications and make funding decisions. An independent Review Panel chair will oversee the Review Panel.

A set of funding principles has been endorsed by the Commonwealth to determine funding allocations. Funding allocations are based on the level of technical change required to transition to the new API, as well as research and analysis of current API usage.

No. The grant funding is only available to third-party integrators that have an existing API connection to the NLIS.

At this stage there is only one funding round available.

No. The grant is designed to help support and offset some of the costs of transitioning to the new API. It will not cover all the development costs of transitioning to the uplifted NLIS.

Applications will be open on the 12th of February 2025 and close on the 12th of March 2025.

Yes. There is funding available to support State and Territory governments' transition to the uplifted NLIS. The specific arrangements for this will be discussed directly with the relevant department.

NLIS Uplift API documentation will be released into the NLIS Uplift Developer Portal progressively throughout 2025. The first documentation is expected to be available late January 2025