Run a transaction history report

Transaction history report

Always run this report after you send files to the database, to check your transactions were successful. 

When the report is displayed on the screen, you can sort and filter the results to find specific files, check the upload status, open individual files to check the contents, and print the file contents for your records.

Files with an Upload status of COMPLETE were processed successfully. A WARNING is usually for information only.

Contact the ISC Customer Service on 1800 683 111 if you need help to resubmit information to the database.

Upload status  Meaning / Result Action
BAD FORMAT The whole file was the wrong format. No records were updated (e.g. no animals were transferred). Print the file and check the contents. For all the animals, submit a new file in the correct format.
ERROR Some data in the file was incorrect or did not comply with database rules. Some records were not updated (e.g. those animals were not transferred). Print the file and check the contents. For the records that were not updated,
submit a new file in the correct format.
INCOMPLETE Some data in the file was in the wrong format. Some records were not updated (e.g. those animals were not transferred). Print the file and check the contents. For the records that were not updated,
submit a new file in the correct format.

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