LPA Accreditation

What is LPA accreditation?

Becoming accredited with LPA means that livestock producers agree to abide by the LPA Rules and Standards, including the seven requirements of LPA which cover:

This is a formal commitment to undertake specific on-farm practices that mean Australian red meat is safely and ethically produced. It is a guarantee that producers stand by what they sell. 

Meat Standards Australia (MSA) was developed by the Australian red meat industry to improve the eating quality consistency of beef and sheepmeat.

MLA supports MSA program participants through creating opportunities for businesses to adopt eating quality principles.



LPA Quality Assurance

The Livestock Production Assurance On-Farm Quality Assurance (LPA QA) program, incorporating the Cattlecare and Flockcare programs, represents the second tier of the LPA framework.

The LPA QA program is managed by the Integrity Systems Company, the same committee that is responsible for management of the LPA on-farm food safety, biosecurity and animal welfare program. 

Learn more


LPA Accreditation FAQs

Producers should work through the LPA Learning modules to ensure they understand all requirements of the program before becoming LPA accredited.


LPA Learning is an online tool developed to assist livestock owners to better understand all on-farm practices required to meet LPA requirements and prepare for their accreditation assessment. To access LPA Learning, visit the LPA Learning page or access the learning modules via your LPA Account, where you can complete your accreditation assessment and animal welfare certificate.

LPA accreditation is linked to a property identification code (PIC). To become LPA-accredited, first you need to register your PIC with your state department.


The person responsible for livestock on the PIC needs to ensure that on-farm management systems meet LPA requirements and that all personnel working within the management system associated to the LPA accreditation are aware and trained  on these requirements.


An LPA accreditation must be obtained before a livestock producer associated with that property is able to access and use LPA National Vendor Declarations (NVDs).


Producers becoming LPA-accredited for the first time should complete the LPA online learning modules prior to completing their initial accreditation assessment and animal welfare certificate.



It is possible for one PIC to have more than one LPA accreditation linked to it. Individual management systems for livestock on the PIC must have their own LPA accreditation, this includes;


  • The PIC Owner (if they manage a livestock operation)
  • Separate livestock ownership and ABN’s on the PIC
  • Agistment agreements

Where anyone other than the PIC owner requires a LPA accreditation an ISC third party authorisation form must be completed.


Find out more about LPA accreditation here.

Accreditation through the LPA program is voluntary. However, producers who are not LPA accredited or who are withdrawn from the program are not able to buy or use LPA National Vendor Declarations (NVDs). Without an LPA NVD, your livestock may be rejected by a buyer or processor as most meat processors require livestock to be sourced from LPA-accredited properties. 

While LPA accreditation is not mandatory to sell livestock, many buyers throughout Australia including saleyards and abattoirs require you to be LPA-accredited to sell livestock to them. It is recommended that if you are not LPA accredited you contact the saleyard or abattoir prior to selling (consigning) your livestock to notify them that you are not LPA accredited and will instead use the alternate state department movement document, Contact your state or territory for more information.

Becoming accredited with LPA means that livestock producers agree to abide by the LPA Rules and Standards, including the seven requirements of LPA. These requirements cover:

  • assessing on-farm risks
  • treating animals safely and responsibly
  • managing pasture and fodder treatments
  • preparing animals for dispatch
  • documenting livestock transactions and movements
  • maintaining biosecurity practices
  • adhering to animal welfare practices.


Read more on the seven LPA requirements.

As dairy cattle are part of the food supply chain, dairy farmers are encouraged to maintain LPA accreditation. 


All LPA-accredited dairy farmers will need to register their dairy licence number with LPA and complete a short assessment and declaration to renew LPA accreditation every three years. They are not required topay the LPA accreditation fee.


Dairy farmers should ensure they select ‘dairy’ as their enterprise type and input their dairy licence number(excluding WA) as part of the reaccreditation process. This will ensure that the farm management  practices implemented under the dairy program are recognised by LPA and will remove the producer from the LPA random audit program.


To register your dairy licence number log in to the LPA service centre.


Participation in the LPA program is voluntary, but to access LPA NVDs – and hence a wider range of livestock selling options – you must to be LPA-accredited. LPA NVDs are required by most processors and saleyards so if you intend to sell your livestock via these channels, you will need to become accredited with LPA and keep good on-farm records of your implementation of LPA required on-farm practices as part of your participation in the program.   

If you choose not to be accredited with LPA, you will need to comply with the movement documentation requirements for your state or territory that are accepted instead of an LPA NVD. Contact your state or territory for more information.

It is a legal requirement in all states and territories that all livestock movements be recorded and stored on the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS database), regardless of the size of your property or the number of animals on the property. It is recommended to have an NLIS account to complete and check that transfers of stock are correct. Creating an NLIS account is free and can be linked to your myMLA account for easy access.

Find out more about NLIS.

You are required to renew your LPA accreditation every three years. ISC will contact you by mail, email or text message at least 60 days before your accreditation is due to remind you to renew your accreditation with the program.


You can check your reaccreditation due date by logging into your LPA account online. As soon as you are logged in, you will be able to see your original date of accreditation on the home page.


To complete an accreditation renewal, you must successfully complete a short and simple assessment and declaration to ensure you understand and are compliant with the seven requirements of LPA.


You can renew your accreditation online in three simple steps via the LPA service centre, or if you prefer to renew via hard copy, contact the ISC Customer Service Centre on 1800 683 111 for a printed version of the LPA accreditation pack. This pack includes everything you need in order to complete your LPA accreditation over the phone.