Renew LPA accreditation

Renew your LPA accreditation

As an LPA accredited producer, you are required to renew your LPA accreditation every two years. Renewing LPA accreditation takes approximately 20 minutes and requires producers to:

  1. Complete the Self-Assessment
  2. Agree to meet LPA accreditation obligations by completing the LPA declaration.
  3. Pay the accreditation fee
  4. Access your LPA recommendations report, LPA NVDs and eNVD.

LPA Login  

How do you renew your LPA accreditation online?

Access to LPA eNVD

LPA eNVDs are accepted by police and government as legal and compliant livestock movement documents. Creating eNVDs through the web platform or app is quick and free to use for all LPA-accredited producers. The system keeps all your livestock movement records accessible online, and allows receivers and transporters who also use eNVDs to obtain their copies instantly. eNVDs can be shared with anyone, regardless of their digital readiness. Learn more about how to share eNVDs with transporters and receivers, and creating digital consignments for your next livestock movement.

More info on eNVD


LPA Mandatory and Voluntary Modules

Being LPA accredited means you have access to opt in to LPA voluntary modules if seeking to provide additional assurances or meet different marketing requirements. If you participate in a voluntary module or programs like Meat Standards Australia (MSA) you will renew these at the same time as your LPA accreditation keeping the renewal process streamlined.

LPA Requirements


Download your personalised recommendations report

A personalised Recommendation Report will be made available to you on completion of LPA accreditation and renewal. The report is based on the answers provided during the Self-Assessment and can be used to help you identify areas for improvement or in meeting the LPA requirements. Recommendation Reports include guidance and access to resources which can supporting you in producing safe, high quality and ethically produced red meat.



Queensland goat producers who are applying for the Harvested Rangeland Goat module in LPA are required to upload their Harvested Rangeland Goat Travel Approval Document before answering the questions in their application.

To obtain your Harvested Rangeland Goat Travel Approval document you will need to contact Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries either via email or phone 13 25 23.

LPA Learning is available on demand if you or your staff would like a refresher on the LPA requirements before renewing your LPA accreditation.

ISC encourages all LPA accredited producers to renew their accreditation online via their LPA account. Voluntary modules can only be added online.  

If you need offline accreditation, you will be required to contact the ISC’s customer service team on 1800 683 111 to order a pack. You will be charged a non-refundable processing fee of $56 (plus GST) and will be required to pay your $90 (plus GST) accreditation fee on purchasing an offline accreditation pack and you must complete and send back the pack to maintain accreditation. 

  • LPA Accreditation for your PIC will be withdrawn from the LPA program.
  • Any voluntary modules will also be withdrawn.
  • Your accreditation with MSA will be deactivated.
  • You will no longer be able to access or use LPA National Vendor Declarations (NVDs), eNVDs.
  • You may have issues with selling or moving your livestock at saleyards or processing plants.
  • Access to the LPA Database including:

    - LPA elearning
    - Accreditation and Account Management
    - Self-Service for buying LPA NVD Books
    - Remote auditing
    - Accessing audit reports and closing corrective actions requests
    - Online record keeping tools  

  • 7-day call and email support via the ISC Contact Centre
  • Access to the eNVD web platform and eNVD mobile app
  • Access to LPA resources and templates  
  • Access to webinars and workshops
  • ISC Support Staff for complicated issues
  • If selected for an LPA audit the cost of this audit is covered by the program

You can complete reaccreditation up to 6 months before your renewal due date. ISC send reminders 6 months before the due date and there are reminders prior to your accreditation due date on the LPA homepage. ISC send reminder emails and SMS’s before the due date and we still send some letters if you have no email. 

The LPA Rules and Standards are being updated to improve the assurance the program provides. A key change for producers when completing a new accreditation or renewing accreditation is the multiple-choice assessment will be replaced with a Self-Assessment. The update also makes it a more user-friendly experience.