eNVD FAQ Saleyards

Saleyards eNVD FAQs

QR Code Scanning

No. The eNVD is a document that must be completed and signed by the person responsible for the husbandry of the livestock. Only a person with an LPA account and LPA accreditation can create and submit an eNVD. 

Someone buying stock from a saleyard will not be able to view the NVD for those animals via the eNVD app or website, however, the eNVD can be shared as a PDF file or printed as a hard copy. This feature will be added to future updates of the app. Post-sale summaries and any other data generated by saleyard software will continue to be provided outside of the eNVD system. 

The process of taking possession of livestock will vary from location to location. ISC is working with industry to build individual adoption plans for businesses to transition from paper to paperless consignments. If you are unsure of the requirements at your destination, please have a conversation with the recipient prior to moving the livestock to ensure no confusion when the stock arrives. 

eNVD FAQ Processors

Industry solution providers can be licensed by ISC to provide eNVDs from within their system. The following solution providers include eNVD in their software: 

Solution providers wanting further details should contact ISC via envd@integritysystems.com.au