Meeting NLIS requirements

Meeting NLIS requirements

Every time livestock move off a PIC, the movement must be recorded on the NLIS database within 2 days of the movement. This needs to be done even if you are moving stock between PICs you own.

All animals leaving a property (PIC) must be identified with an NLIS-approved device before moving unless there is a specific exemption, or a permit is obtained from the state or territory authority.   

If you are moving an animal off its property of birth, you must tag the animal with an NLIS- approved breeder device  (yellow or 'year of birth colour' for sheep and goats).

NLIS Animal Identification


Moving electronically and visually tagged stock together?

If you're moving sheep or goats with a combination of eID and visual tags, you need to include both sets in a single transfer on the NLIS.

1200-NLIS-eID and head count-fade.png

  1. Enter the livestock you need to move: Enter the RFID numbers (read with a wand) or the NLIS IDs (visually printed on the tag). You can also use a combination of the two, but please ensure you only use one of the numbers for each animal, not both.
  2. Number of head: Enter the total number of livestock being moved, including the visually tagged stock. This headcount may exceed the number of tag numbers entered at Step 1, as only animals born on or after 1 January 2025 are required to have an eID.


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